Fur and Wool

Ok, so where are we with all this fur stuff?  I have been having a bit of a clear out.

Up for grabs……

A small packet (0.75 oz) of Tiddles’ foal fur (from last year).


Remember, Tiddles is a skewbald (not, spotted, they don’t do spotted in the Shetland Pony Stud Book) miniature Shetland pony.


It is a little bag of brown and white foal fur.


Then, there is 4.5 oz of black Shetland pony foal fur that was given to me last year by a friend, who knew I was collecting.

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And, lastly, there is 6oz of Hjalti’s Icelandic horse foal fur that I brushed out of him this spring/summer.


Hjalti is chestnut, like his mother and apparently, though I might be wrong, the Icelanders used to spin Icelandic foal fur.

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Let me know if you are interested in any of this wool/fur/stuff.  I am happy to send it all over the world for the price of an extremely generous donation to The Minion Winter Fund (believe me, they eat).  Failing that, it is all going on Fleabay!

Lambie and ‘Ster’s wool has already found a home, so please don’t ask for their wool.

However, if you want a Shetland sheep fleece, I can certainly get hold of Lambie’s sisters’ fleeces.  They are moorit (brown) or flekkit (brown and white) and of good quality. Let me know.  frances@fstaylor.co.uk

UPDATE:  Tidles ‘ fur now gone plus a bit of Hjalti.

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