Foal Fur 2014

After our ride this morning, it started to rain, so Daisy and I sorted through the foal fur clipped and combed from The Minions.


We have been grooming the lads regularly, collecting up their original foal coat.  This type of fur never returns to a horse again.  After their first year, they get their “big boy” coats forever more which is not the same at all.


You can see Storm is getting his “big boy” mane too (on the left).  Their foal fur is very soft and matts or felts easily.  Folk use it for spinning.


So while the rain poured outside, we put the telly on and watched Sherlock Holmes’ The Copper Beeches with Jeremy Brett (he is the best apart from Benedict as he sees the role in a different way).

Daisy and I sat pulling out nasty bits like grass or earth and bagged the foal fur or wool up.

This is how it first appeared.


We pulled out the straw, grass, etc


And were left with this.


We also left out any really nasty bits that would be of no use to anyone.  It is difficult to know what exactly is required for spinning but we did our best.


The fur was split into four types:-
Storm’s (predominantly white) x 1 bag
Silver(chestnut going grey) x 4 bags
Waffle (black) x 1 bag
A mixture of all three x 1 bag

All sealed bags are 100g each.


If you would like to receive a bag, please let me know.  I work purely on a first-come-first-served basis and am happy to post abroad (postage is at cost).  My email is

(if you are still interested in buying some, we will be stripping Zoot in the next few weeks so there may be some more available).

Last year, I successfully sold foal fur on Ebay which helped fund The Shetland Foal Milk Service.  This year am not selling this fur on Ebay but hoping to offer it via the blog so that genuine supporters have a chance first.

The 100g bags are available for the only a simple donation which will go towards the next impending snip-snip vet bill.

2 thoughts on “Foal Fur 2014

  1. Carina

    Looks lovely! I was confused last year, because there was (a little) sand in the fur. I didn’t see it untill I spun it, so it was not much. Then when you wrote about the bebbie training, I realised where the sand came from… <3


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