I am still alive, just.
Yesterday, I went to see my little boys.
Daisy won’t let me drive so she very kindly took me, along with a bag of carrots.
And suddenly, Daisy was the most popular person in the field!
This is the classic “Look, see, I don’t have anymore. They are all gone. You ate the lot. No, honestly, you did. Check my hands. Nothing” pose. We’ve all done it.
And there is always one little Minion who is not convinced.
But, I have one word to say – Hippopotami.
This year, this little herd are going to stay out, for as long as possible in Sandness (sadly 6-ish miles from home). They have to.
Yes, Tiddles, you heard right.
And there will be no hard food and no stables.
Probably no rugging too (except for Delia once she has lost some weight).
Obviously, there will be therapy for those who will struggle mentally.
But no extra food.
I didn’t know horses could actually have cellulite.
Live and learn.
Sending gentle hugs to help with the detoxification. Your body knows what it needs. xx
Magnesium might be good for muscle cramps, and maybe a gentle sleep aid. I like a product called “Natural Vitality Natural Calm”. Amazon carries it. Lemon is quite nice. It does have a bit of a laxative effect, but since magnesium is so important to muscles and nervous system, I overlook that.
Thank you, I will look into it.
So happy to have a post from you today and to hear you were out and about — bless Daisy’s heart for taking you to your beloved ponies. Take it easy and let yourself be pampered.
PS Am I the only one wondering how long you will be able to hold out in winter with regard to the ponies in their natural environment? I know it’s for their own good, but…you aren’t exactly known for your hard-heartedness! :))
Great that you were able to visit with your furry ones!
I hope they gave you lots of great energy and love! =)
Hay, I thought Minions needed to put on weight for the winter? So bring on them carrots, lady. I have missed these goofy faces but am glad you are able to get out to see them. Still sending healing Maine Coon cat purrs your way because I don’t need them at 5am.
Good for Daisy – getting you out in the fresh air and a dose of Minion love!
So nice to have the Minions go from zero probability to cellulite, eh? THEY ARE LOVED!