Feet, Farrier and Laminitis UPDATE

Farrier day yesterday and those who needed it, had their hooves trimmed.

Along with some “expert” advice.

Our farrier, Stephen, said the Minion’s hooves were growing straight and the laminitis damage was growing out so I am hopeful.

And I smugly, but hesitantly, congratulated myself that everyone was looking good.  We might to be getting through Spring without any reoccurrence of laminitis.

There is noticeable weight-loss from some….

…. though Albie seems to photograph as a lump.  He isn’t in real life.  Most odd.

The daily food, ie the minerals and vitamins, although not much loved, is eaten.

And they go to the four corners of their hill to find very sparse amounts of grass during the day.

(they share bowls, once they’ve finished their own).

So I am hopeful, if nervous of the rest of this year.

We are not going back to most of them having laminitis. Not now, not never.

4 thoughts on “Feet, Farrier and Laminitis UPDATE

  1. Sam

    Well done you to stop the laminitis. As for Albie – perhaps he is playing “drop the belly” game?


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