Feeling Thankful

While I was feeding the Ancients in their field, I looked at Haakon, my aged friend of nearly 30 years, and felt incredibly thankful he is still with me.

You get one horse in life and he is mine.  Yes, there are others around but there is only really The One.

Some might say that Haakon and I are like an old married couple. We know each other incredible well. I know what’s he’s thinking and he would probably say the same about me.  We are also not very dissimilar in character.

And possibly even the same hair-colour at times!

Haakon is my constant, my rock, my One who also looks up when I shout for him, knows his many names – Piggy, Pignut, Porky …… and even knows left and right too.  Clever horse.  I have ridden him ill, not 100%, after three lots of spinal surgery, ankle surgery and even as a total passenger with my hands in my pockets and each time he’s known and looked after me like I was made of glass.

So, I’m thankful Haakon’s still with me because even though he is retired, I still need to know he’s here.

5 thoughts on “Feeling Thankful

  1. Beth

    What a wonderful chap he is, and what an incredible bond you enjoy. He is your ‘heart horse’ and you are right that we generally only get one relationship like that. Mine was with a dog, and when that dearest girl had to leave me she took part of my heart with her – the part that (probably) never fully heals, is never quite the same again.

  2. May

    Haakon is a handsome darling. You’re both lucky to have the other.

    And thanks for the reminder to take the time to be grateful for those we love.

  3. Suzanne Kelly

    What a lovely and special bond you have with this wonderful horse. Best wishes to you and yours for happy new year.


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