Feeling Frazzled

We had rather a fraught morning – BeAnne is very off-colour so we made the instant decision to take her to the vet.  We came home knowing Her Maj had lost some weight (we are trying so hard), and laden down with more medicine that might help her.

It is very tough on us all and add the threat of a thunder and lightening storm that never thankfully actually materialised, we have been taking it easy this afternoon all feeling rather frazzled.

To keep my mind occupied, I trawled around the house and my shed looking for all the bits that make up a tripod, my camera, the flash and that essential piece that attaches the camera to said tripod.  FFS.  It took me nearly an hour to locate that particular bit.

I wanted to photograph the flowers, what I have grewed, on my windowsill.

So here goes……  Just remember I grew these.  This is a huge achievement. A gardener, I am not and possibly not a photographer either.



Straws are for grasping, right?


13 thoughts on “Feeling Frazzled

  1. Kerry

    No straws – just very pretty flowers. I miss my sweet peas and look forward to growing them again next year. I love how bright they look against the dark skies.

    Her Maj is a very lucky doggie to have such a devoted hooman. Lets hooe the next bright spell sees her out still truffling around

  2. Margaret Robinson

    Despite all, you and yours are doing things that are positive. Indeed, you are a very, very good photographer as well. Many talents, young lady!!!!!!

  3. Linda

    Aw, give yourself some credit Frances – you’ve kept them alive and thriving (as far as I can tell from your photos).
    That’s what I tell myself about my houseplants – no big effort on my part, just keeping an eye out for who needs water… 😉

  4. Claire

    Excellent composition with your flower pictures! Just exceptional. Inspired me to set up again inside to shoot a few of my most beautiful plants. Thank you.

  5. Carol

    thank you for sharing daily your life with all the cridders…..it makes my day & always fun to
    see what you publish….yes …you are talented in many ways…a fan from America…..

  6. diane in northern wis

    Prayers for BeAnne to do better! Hope her good buddy Monster is somewhat of a help!
    I love your flower pictures…they are so beautiful. great job Frances!

  7. Mo Hall

    YES. Grasp on. Been there. Grasped at straws for five days before Nick died. Sigh. We had those less than perfect days, knew we had done all that we could, everyone had done all that they could and it was worth it. Grasp those straws. They are precious and they help when the possibly inevitable happens.

  8. Shelley

    That last one is the star I think. Congratulations on your sweet pea and cornflower success!

    Because I’m a florist folks think I’m also a gardener. Frankly I’m crap at growing from seed and houseplants never survive.

    Her Maj is living her best life because of you.


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