I need this tattooed on my forehead to keep reminding me. I looked at the Minions today and they are fatty fat fat.
If you are fat and hairy, then you do not need to live in a stable with extra hay at night in winter.
Even little Hjalti is not so little anymore. He is looking well and his physical development will only work properly if he is outside being an Icelandic horse. This is what he is designed for as are the Shetland ponies.
Yes, it is windy and cold but no one is shivering or looking miserable. They all have a good hard feed in the morning according to their needs – this place is like a restaurant with the different dishes I have to create for varying dietary needs and I think their “central heating” should be allowed to work.
There is also grass, of sorts, and shelter that they have easy access to.
When I can feel a rib or if someone is shivering or struggling, then I will reconsider. I make different decisions every day as it comes weather-wise – nothing is written in stone.
But I need to keep telling myself this otherwise I will pile them all into the shed with bales of hay and they will only get fatter and fatter. Then, in Spring, they will have to go to a hill park to lose weight.
Of course none of this applies to Les Grandes Dames. They can come and go as they please.
(though Vitamin maybe heading for the hill this spring – she is portly).
All just perfect in my eyes.
They look wonderful, the lot of them! 🙂
I imagine fat and hairy is a requirement for a Shetland Winter.
It’s probably just the camera angle, but In the fifth photo, Iacs looks paticularly well insulated, and I bet he’s glad of it! As for Vitamin, that’s just a bit of middle aged spread surely?
Is that little speck little Storm? Awww, my cutie! He’s adorable!
To think there was a time when the survival of the Minions was very much in question. I would take these Fatty Fat Fat equines as a sign of you love and devotion. But, yeah, a fair number of them need an abundance of fresh air.