Daisy, my eldest daughter, is about to start her last year at St Snotwort’s University. She has to write a 7000 word dissertation about something to do with Biology.
So she has umm-ed and ahhh-ed these past months and decided on something equine. I am just the photographer and vague observer.
I set up a camera for her on the tripod.
The horses and ponies came down to the paddock to investigate.
For some reason, Klaengur had forgotten how to use the gate because he has only walked through ita hundred times this summer.
The Minions were the last to turn up.i
But we had fun observing everyone while Daisy filmed and made notes.
The Minions were, of course, ever the clowns in this matter.
Storm offered to help. He is good at this.
And has a new skill now – we added “camera four-pod” to his cv.
Payment for his invaluable services was a hug. He loves being hugged.
In return he ate Daisy’s hair.
I am not sure this is part of the experiment. Don’t worry – the camera had been removed first.
If you ever wondered what a tripod was for – obviously it is for scratching on.
Or eating.
The Minions like experiments. Don’t ask me what this one is about. All I know is that everyone was involved. Some more than others.
My heart is melted once again from your photos…
You’re kidding about St. Snotworts. Right?