Etsy or Regretsy

I need to make my millions and I need to make them quick, like now!

(says in a very small voice – “I’ve been shopping and bought myself another camera, but I do neeeeeeeeeed it” and it will make me happy)


I have always dreamed of owning a Leica camera and I will admit to looking at Hasselblad cameras but, after I had picked myself up off the floor and applied for a mortgage, I decided not to go down that route.

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I laughed out loud when I saw those prices.  Anyway, I like my new Leica mostly because it has this…… a swivelly out viewfinder thingy which will help my back for those weird angle shots I like to take.  I know, I know the Canon EOS 600D wotsit has that too but then it would just be a slightly lighter base unit for all my lenses so no different, just slower and still heavy.  


To finance this photographic frippery, I have decided to open an Etsy shop and put only my best photos on it for sale.  Your thoughts and any help would be gratefully received.

Etsy – ThordalePhotography –

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I am concentrating on having a few different sections and the shop will grow bigger.

First there is the Shetland ponies in Cardigans Section. I have chosen only the best of the photos I took but will put up some more shortly.

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Next there is the Northern Lights and Shooting Star Section. I am not sure whether to flood the market with my billions of “Merrie Dancer” photos or just put up a few superb ones.

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And, lastly, so far, there is my Arctic Tern picture with the most beautiful quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry from The Little Prince.  That is in my Flowers and Fauna Section.

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There will be other Sections – like Shetland ponies from Shetland, Shetland Scenery, etc.  This is just the beginning.  

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I am keeping prices low and realistic and there is a dirty great big watermark across every picture too that doesn’t detract but does hopefully stop thieving little barstewards.  This time the watermark can’t be taken off like someone once did when they stole my photo rather than pay and announced it on Facebook with pride.  I was so disappointed.  My first day out in my new venture too.

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Please go and look at my Etsy Shop and, if you want to see more of my photos or have a particular favourites you think should be included, go to Flickr – – and let me know.

It would be good to get followers, feedback and a few sales to finance this new equipment (never, toy).

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And yes, I fully intend to have PingPong in all his dancing glory!  Watch this space.  Perhaps even a whole Section devoted to his gorgeousness.  And what about one for BeAnne and/or Wuss?  Do you think there is a market or will I end up on Regretsy?

One thought on “Etsy or Regretsy

  1. Cate

    Super idea and about time, and yes, definitely, a page of PingPong photos for all his adoring fans!! 😀


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