Escape to Town

Today was less windy and, as I like to have the next bale of hay ready when we start the new one, I went to town to get supplies.

First, of course, was the normal routine of feeding everyone and making sure they were all outside and in the right place.

And then I took the horsevan off to Lerwick.  I needed to visit the two feed merchants.

The main reason for taking the horsevan – the big round bale of hay.  I also bought hard feed and salt licks for horses, ponies, sheep, old ladies, old sheep…..

I was meeting a friend on Commercial Street (the Street) for lunch too so I parked the van in the Victoria pier carpark and looked upwards to see it was actually a very nice day.  Blue sky.  Woohoo!  I hadn’t noticed.

And, if the Street was empty at Christmas, Lerwick was beyond empty in January but, having said that, everyone is gearing up for the cruise ship season which is when everything is manic.  First, of course, is Up Helly Aa – the Fire Festival on the last Tuesday of this month.  There will be visitors then too.  It is good to have a breather.

For lunch, my friend, her dog and I went to Pete’s Café & Takeaway, Lerwick and I don’t normally take photos of my food because I am not that person, but this is what I had….. OMG, it was incredible.

Original Photo – Pete’s Café & Takeaway from Living Lerwick’s Facebook Page

To have a day away from my usual life of mud, poo-picking, making a sheep, etc was utter bliss.  I know I had most of my chores to do when I got home but it was a lovely break from the norm.

I am still thinking about my lunch!

7 thoughts on “Escape to Town

  1. M in NC

    That is a YUMMY looking lunch!! What is the name of the sandwich?
    Chased by a Hot Chocolate and a torte of some kind with the crunchy sticks that I cannot remember the name of (because I don’t normally eat those ) 🙂 🙂

    Love your description … if it ever made it out into the wide web world out of context … that would be a HOOT !!! 🙂

    M in NC

    1. Frances Post author

      Minute steak, served on a Sandwick roll with home made mustard mayo, lettuce, tomato, fried onions and shredded Orkney cheddar.
      Tangerine cheese cake.

    1. Frances Post author

      Minute steak, served on a Sandwick roll with home made mustard mayo, lettuce, tomato, fried onions and shredded Orkney cheddar.
      Tangerine cheese cake.


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