Electric Fencing

The little ones hate their small field. I don’t blame them it is not nearly big enough and it is quickly getting grottier and grottier by the minute.  Six in there last night and it was not a pretty sight this morning.

So my morning was spent putting up a long electric fence to split up a field with fairly grotty grass.  It is good in places.

I worked hard and looked up to see that all the ponies had helpfully drifted over to the bit I wanted them to be in.

Everyone except Waffle.  He didn’t want to go in. He knew.

But Storm did!

This will be the Minion field for a while now.

The grass is perfectly adequate.

And obviously Vitamin will have her daily bucket – I promise, Vitamin, you will. I could never forget – you wouldn’t let me!

But I couldn’t find the fence tester, dammit.

I think the flashing light on the energiser as well as a healthy respect should indicate that my fence is zapping along nicely.

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