Don’t Touch Me, I’m Clean!

To town today for my annual eye test but, en route, I stopped off to feed Vitamin and Fivla.

Dressed in my clean clothes, I was freezing to near-death as I had ditched my usual uniform of Norwegian sweater and revolting hi-viz padded jacket, going with tidier but thinner clothes.  A rookie mistake.

Obviously, I had to go into the minion field, rather than stand on the other side of the fence, to dish out my carrot collection as well as spraying hooves and swilling mouths.

I was so clean and tidy.  I couldn’t be “minioned”.  I didn’t want to go to town covered in the usual mud smelling of ponies….

I don’t know why I was particularly bothered about what I looked or smelled like even – the place was deserted.

I delivered a flock of sheep to Jamieson’s Knitwear, chatted to some friends, had my eye test (all fine there) …

And then lunch (chips)  sat in my car with a good view and a hungry seagull.  Sorry, mate, chips are sacred.

Tomorrow I will be back to normal but it was a change to be clean and tidy even just for a few hours!

4 thoughts on “Don’t Touch Me, I’m Clean!

  1. Sherry Walter

    I once met a neighbor away from home, he usually only saw me around the barn. He said, with obvious surprise, “you look very nice”. A rare occurrence I guess!


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