Darling little Fivla is doing brilliantly.
Every morning, while Daisy is feeding Albie his breakfast and Tor her snack, Fivla and I run around the indoor school to workout music for 20 minutes.
We have moved onto trotting poles now to get Fivla’s shoulders up, loosened and those little legs working fast.
Fivvie spent many years in the riding school and has perfected the art of using the least amount of energy for any task and if you are not watching, she just potters to a stop.
She could trot round and round the school for eternity with her feet barely lifting the ground expending very little energy.
She has had many years of practice wearing small children.
Sadly we can’t let her do this.
Exercise = calories burned = thinner (hopefully).
So, this is Fivla’s morning workout. She only trots over the poles a few times in both directions and the rest is a walking warm-up and a walking cool down.
Fivla knows precisely when she has done her 20 minutes, down to the last second because she immediately turns in…..
….. for her reward.
She spends the rest of her day in the paddock with Tor and Albie with a 30 minute brisk walk to Watness gate and back. She trots along while I walk fast. At 18:00, it is back to the stable to wet hay in a small haynet.
I think she is losing weight.
Sounds like a good workout – and “darling little Fivla” describes her perfectly, doesn’t it? 😉
I’m catching up on several posts and am most excited by Beanne’s progress. Very happy to read that.
Fivla’s slimmed down a bit, I know from personal experience how tough that can be. That ‘Ster brought Bert back with him is amazing, since I think it was Ster’s coming that got Bert annoyed in the first place. Good to see that a little maturity and exposure to the world mellowed and brought the best out in him. Albie (sorry, I still see him as Brisk) is just too adorable. Hope Tiddles plays nicely with him. Do you hear that, Tiddles?!
She’s a lovely lady!
She’s moving much better already! Well done Frances 🙂
Bless her! She looks as if she quite enjoys her workout!
Did I miss something? Where is little Camus?
He was never mine. He was just brought in as a friend for Albie. He was sold by his breeder a way back so, once weaned, has gone to live south leaving Tor with Albie, who is not “weaned” from his bucket.
Thank you for the reply. I was worried!
I love your workout music! It gives me inspiration to work out!
Isn’t it funny how horses can “tell time”?! I used to ride one of the riding school horses and he would stop and refuse to do anything as soon as the clock said it was time to go back! I was always amazed that he knew his 40 minutes were up! Ha ha!
Hang in there, Fivla!!
This is just so cute! Yes, Fivla probably enjoys the attention she gets during the workout. She must feel a little better too! Keep up the good work!
Gosh, look at her go! Very sprightly. I’m sure she’ll be feeling the benefit of all that exercise soon.