Courgettes – Yuck or Yum?


Yuck or yum…. as we say in this house.

I was given a few for the ponies from Turriefield yesterday that were unsellable so I thought I would try them out on everyone, after the dreaded worming.

To some they were definitely yum.

I think Fivla liked the fact that courgettes are soft and less like hard work on her teeth, or what’s left of them.  She struggles with the hay, as does Vitamin, but is always easily diverted with anything else.

She is an old lady – she likes soft food.  Less effort.

And, surprisingly, ,Tiddles was the biggest courgette fan.

Courgettes are his thang!  I never knew this.  Go Tiddles.

Everyone got a courgette and I left Storm nosing his one around the field, trying to work out if he liked it or not.  He is probably still there, eight hours later.

To some, they are most definitely yum.
To others, they are not.
And carrots always win!

2 thoughts on “Courgettes – Yuck or Yum?

  1. Joan

    I had to look that one up. Here in Arizona we call them zucchini or Italian squash. I can see why some of the ponies were skeptical.


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