Clean and Dirty Dogs

Dreki had a day off from me today (I had to be somewhere else this morning) but this afternoon, the boys had come up to talk (read, blag carrots).  I duly dished out the contents of my pocketses.

This time of year Taktur looks gawjus.

As does Dreki.

After their supper and rest, I took the dogs out for their last late afternoon walk.

We went up to Clothie, my 5 acre croft, a little way across the hill.

They both went dashing off while I wandered about just keeping a general eye on them.

Ted is more sedate in his ways.

While Pepper can be very difficult to spot!

Lots of hunting (they catch nothing, ever), running and generally having a very good time.

On our last leg, Pepper vanished.  She always does.

And she can be found cooling off in the ditch/stream/spring that runs the length of the field.

Once cooler, she then dashed off to resume her hunting.

With an added tide line!

Meanwhile, Ted remained just as glossy, dry and clean as when he started the walk.

On our way back home and the boys were watching us slightly bemused.  Note how much taller Dreki is than his little dad!  Possibly around 17hh now.  He is one big lad, looking more like his Mum than his dad.

5 thoughts on “Clean and Dirty Dogs

  1. Sam

    Clearly much fun was had by pups romping about. And you have very handsome gents all decked out in black.

  2. Miss Linda Kirk

    Thanks for sharing these photos. When I saw them before, I assumed the larger horse was Taktur! They both look stunning. Great to see the dogs having so much fun, and Pepper having a paddle in the stream.

  3. Kris

    Father and son are beautiful and oh my, Dreki has grown!

    I have long wondered and must ask, with all the in-house animals (Ted, Pepper, Monster) running through the fields, do you have a problem with fleas or ticks?


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