Camera Wars

These past few months, I have been thinking about whether to sell my iPhone and get a better one.

My photos are my blog, I tell myself.  The drivellings are just extra.

And since I bought my iPhone (13 pro), there is now a much better one out there (15 pro).

But do I actually need it?

That is the question.

Is my iPhone camera good enough for the photos I take?

(obviously asking Lambie yielded little response – at the time, he was in a mood)

Later, a friend popped over for a cuppa and he has an iPhone 15 pro, and also takes excellent photos so we did a compare and contrast scenario.  We both took the same photo and then looked at it.

Not that I have his photos, but basically the outcome was that his had more colour saturation, which he said was not a true representation of the actual scene.

Obviously Lambie had to be in the picture.  It’s his job along with his Winning Smile.

And all things my camera can do, my friend’s could too.

There really was very little difference in both iPhone cameras so now I am not sure except that I do love new shiny Appley things very much.

13 thoughts on “Camera Wars

  1. judy l shank

    I adore your pictures! I think that your pictures are exquisite. I know that color saturation is very popular because it gives pictures that ‘pop’ quality; however, if your friend believes that your camera really reflected the true colors of your models and the environment, I ,personally, am more interested in the true colors of your world. Of course, I love seeing your four footed & two footed family, but a part of appreciating your blog is the ability to see the world you see daily & present to us. All this just to say that I really enjoy seeing a different environment & I think your camera is wonderful.

  2. Dona

    Your photos are beautiful with the i13. The format narrative and content are the best things about them.
    Some things to ask yourself…
    What more does the i15 give you? Increased cost? More space for more photos? Additional lense distance? Something new to play with? 🙂 Is there a learning curve?
    I have the i13 because of its great photos, but sometimes I wonder when it will overflow its storage area.
    Dona Snow (California)

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Your photos are generally fabulous and I’m ssure they’ll be just as good whichever camera you use!

  4. Jacqueline

    Your drivellings are vital. You have such a great turn of phrase. I need you as I eat my breakfast to get the day off to a smiley start. Your photos are important too, in fact I often mean to say to you that I screenshot some to use when needing inspiration for colourwork in knitting and dyeing wool to spin. As such, I find your present phone photos extremely adequate for my pleasure.

  5. Robin E Schwartz

    These photos are beautiful…but at the same time I understand the love for shiny new Apple thingies!

  6. Judith

    Your blog and photos are wonderful. You really don’t need a new phone – and it’s better for the environment not to, I think. It’s more plastic, after all.

  7. Deb C

    Your photos are fantastic, but the narrative is important too. We love both. Whatever you decide, thanks for this.

  8. John Clark

    As someone whose business is called The Mac Doctor, and who teaches iPhone photography classes as well, I don’t think you need to update to the 15 Pro. I do, however, think you should look at the 16 Pro that will come out this fall, and after 3 evolutions, it will likely have enough new bells and whistles to warrant the upgrade.

    What your friend noted about his 15 and its color saturation, really comes down to what is referred to as “computational photography”, and as each new model is more powerful, the amount of that they can do increases. The 15 Pro, and the 16 Pro to come, will also have improved lenses, so there’s that too.

    Feel free to reach out if you have more questions about all this!

  9. Kris

    I’m sure you know that the saturation can be adjusted within the camera app. My sister wondered why her photos weren’t as colorful as mine as we took the same shot. I had selected “vivid” as the default filter rather than “original” for my pics so they had a fuller presentation. Could it be that your friend’s iphone had a different default color exposure? That would make a noticeable difference.

    As to upgrading, I agree with waiting to see the next iteration.


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