Yesterday I took photos of this little lad. He is divine.
You may remember him from his birth – (Yes, I blogged)
And then I made a filum.
So now Andante is growing up and I may have to pop him in a pocket and take him home to hug. I am sure he would be a BFF (Best Friends Forever) for Albie, my orphan Shetland pony foal.
But, this morning, I received a message saying please come over and take more photos as the Andante had been washed, in readiness for the Unst Show. He was looking rather gorgeous. All clean.
(What a chore, how I suffer)
So I pottered over (09:30 is early in my world) and, firstly, had to negotiate my way through the standard black Shetland pony mares who waited by the gate.
I have a very soft spot for standard black Shetland ponies. A few years back, this is what we specialised in as Thordale Shetland Pony Stud.
This is one of the photos I took of the newly washed Andante.
He is very wow. That is some trot.
While I was taking photos, I also snapped away at ponies – I am easily diverted by pretty pony faces.
This little filly is a sweetie and came over to be endlessly hugged. I had been given cake (with cream) for breakfast and she wanted to help me eat it.
Everyone should have cake for breakfast, especially with cream!
Just sayin’
Oh, good grief Andante is ADORABLE!
What a whole lot of cuteness you got to be around today!
OMGosh, Andante is so cuuuuute! Love to see him prancing and trotting with his little hoofies in the air! And your filum still amazes me, although I saw it when first posted. Love this entire Shetland group, as well as the elegant tiger kitty! (PS got any cake and cream left over?)