British Championships – Part the First

Firstly, I am sorry for the small pissy little blogs while I have been away.  Personally, I blame the shitty expensive internet from Travelodge and also total exhaustion from me.  After a day of driving and being a supportive parent, I don’t actually have the energy to write a blog.

Anywho, we are all finally home from the Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain (IHSGB) Summer Show and British Championships 2017.

Spalding is a very long way – it took us 12 hours to get from Aberdeen to Lincolnshire.

Ok, it was a very long haul but totally worth it – we met many nice people and their horses and it was also a great weekend.

The boys were brilliant – Waffle was perfect and Kappi did his very best.  Travel takes so much out of them

We took Waffle to the showground the first day but soon realised that he was perfectly happy at the livery yard so, from then on, left him there as he was much happier.

On our first day, Daisy rode Kappi in the afternoon on the oval track to practice and to get him used to the set-up.

Then, on the Saturday, Daisy got ready for her first competition.

It was a tölt class.

Kappi struggled as he had not had enough rest so they did not achieve the best result.

But, that is what we learned.  All that travel needs at least two days for Kappi to recover. He had been standing in the box for a long time, despite frequent rests en route.

The boys did not stay on the showground and I had arrange for them to stay at a wonderful livery yard – about 5 miles down the road from the showground.  Waffle made many friends and Kappi had a chance to walk and relax.

More tomorrow…..


6 thoughts on “British Championships – Part the First

  1. Carol Wood

    Did you travel down over the Humber Bridge? We only live a 10 minute diversion from there and are 2 hours from Spalding. If you go next year you are more than welcome to stop over here to rest the ponies both going down and coming back. You will have to re aquant yourself with Apollo though and remind him how to do a nosey kissy!!!

  2. Linda

    No apology needed (ever). After travelling for TWELVE hours, even that would take the wind out of anyone. And I’m sure Kappi is looking forward to “down time” with his friends at home.
    Looking forward to more coverage of the event…but in your own time, Frances. 🙂

  3. diane in northern wisconsin, US

    So glad you and your gang are back! We’ve missed you a ton! Thanks for the great pictures and info today. Can’t wait to see more!!!

  4. Nancy

    Sorry to hear that it was such a long journey!
    I hope everyone is recovering well now that you are home.
    Looking forward to seeing the rest of the posts, no hurry, when you are well rested and have time! =)


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