Breakfast Time

As the sun rises, Floss and I are out feeding the Icelandic horses –  three oldies and one not-so-oldie (20 yo).  Floss is on guard duty and I have the carrots for afterwards. No one is allowed to steal someone else’s bucket.

The buckets are sort of colour-coded so I know who is getting what.

Pepper obviously comes too because she is a girl on a mission.

The vacuum cleaner!

We don’t encourage Ted into the field. He is not brilliant around the horses but happy enough to be where we can keep an eye on him.  He potters about knowing the rules.

Pepper is obviously very busy.

I must admit Floss and I both held our breath when we saw Pepper approach Kolka. We didn’t know how she would react so, of course, she did nothing.

Like I said, girl on a mission but easily distracted by the voices in the wall!

They talks to her!

3 thoughts on “Breakfast Time

  1. Marlane Diary6California

    Pepper is such a cutie and Ted too. It makes up for me not having dogs anymore. Yes you never know with horses and dogs. I will never forget when my beloved Patches got kicked in the head and was just fine and Sam was pulverized beneath a horses tummy with no ill affects, but it was very very scary to see.


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