Bored, bored, bored.

Everyone is bored.

Bored of being indoors.

Bored of being on a soaked-hay, soaked fibre block diet.

Bored of each other.

Even Newt who now has many of his cell-mates in his “Little Book of Everyone I Hate”.

There is bickering, often.

Fivla’s squits have returned.  A new treatment started – please pray for her.  I hate squits.

I’m not going to lie – I am exhausted and possibly bored of poo-picking, feeding, soaking hay, worrying, etc at least five times a day.

My whole life revolves around this lot.

Nothing is sacred.  If you leave anything around, it is immediately taken.

And it can be a fight to get it back.

One thing, Skippy is a ruddy godsend.  I love that machine possibly more than I should.  It is an answer to one of my many prayers and my back thanks it too daily.

As nothing is safe and, yes, everything is removed out of the way when I am not there.  No one can be trusted.

So I guess we are all fed up.  This is not what I wanted for any of us but here we are.  And why?  Because eight small ponies broke through a perfectly good fence to get grass and refused to be caught for two whole days.


5 thoughts on “Bored, bored, bored.

  1. Sam

    Bored critters are mighty tiring. Any chance of a toy they can share? Like a ball?
    If I was closer, I’d send chocolate. Little Miss Maine Coon does send purrs.

  2. Mary Domito

    Hi Frances,

    Mary Domito here, my sisters and I met and visited w/ you in june 2019 and I am returning to Shetland
    Jan 26-31 for Up Helly Aa and to experience a little Shetland winter (am I nuts?!). Weather permitting would love to come out and visit and help you out with your chores if you’d like.
    I admire you and how you care for your large brood of 4 legged lovies.
    Warm regards,

  3. Judy shank

    I try to imagine taking care of the Shetland Menagerie but I can’t; first, I’ve never had the opportunity to be around horses, ponies, or sheep; second, I know that you have a bad back & having had a dozen plus spinal surgeries, I cannot imagine your fortitude & sacrifice for those wonderful critters. Yes, skippy has got to be a godsend; & third, after all you do for your wonderful crew, you still take marvelous pictures & share your lovely world with us daily. Thank you so very much.

    Today, I needed to get lost in the world of Fivla, Newt, & their friends. Last week, I fell down a flight of stairs. The injuries could have been horrific, but I was fortunate. However, I got my diagnosis & oders today & I so needed a diversion. Thank you & your wonderful 4 foot family. You dispensed the best medicine.

    1. Frances Post author

      I am so sorry to read of your ghastly accident. Please take it easy and get well soon xx (or I will send Newt round to “help”!)


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