Big Camera, Little Ponies

Mud?  You want mud?  We have mud!

Luckily it is not the difficult welly-sucking mud as we live on boulder rock so it is only really about 4″ deep at it’s worst and the ponies know that as they stomp through it everyday.   You can see a small S-shaped track which is where they have worked out is best to walk.

But, still, it’s mud so I climbed over the fence to avoid it as I was taking my Big Camera out to see the little ponies.

Eariler that day, I had opened up a piece of grazing to the side of the gate which surrounds a rocky outcrop.  Waffle insisted on standing on the top. King of his castle.

And the others were eating below him.

Please forgive me that everyone is filthy but there is very little I can do about it and no one cares.  When it rains, the ponies get cleaner and of course, there is all that mud to contend with on a daily basis for everyone, including me!


(I am still feeling pleased with camera – I think I will keep it and actually try and use it more).

5 thoughts on “Big Camera, Little Ponies

  1. Judith

    Oooh! I bet they’ve all got super skin under all that hair; mud facial, anyone? Maybe you could get a kiln ….. just been watching one of my favourite TV programmes, The Great Pottery Throwdown.


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