Bare Nekkid!

I am bare nekkid.  Well, my back is.  No more dressings or stitches.  All gone. I bet that title got you going!

My OH drove me to our local Health Centre where I had previously made an appointment to see the Practice Nurse.  The post-op instructions were to have everything removed after 14 days.

This is the view from the waiting room.  Pretty impressive, isn’t it?  Very calming and relaxing while you are nervously waiting.


It was lovely to get out and about. I haven’t traveled anywhere since getting back from hospital because I still go downhill quickly. I have no energy.  I am scared I will get somewhere and be too exhausted to get back. I also can’t drive yet.

This is the Walls harbour with the pier (crane) in the background.


These are just random photos that I took while I was driven in the car.  There is the old school bus – though I am not sure whether it is still works.  My kids used to go to school in that bus.


Some arty-farty photies of Walls.


For many Shetland crofters, this is the beginning of lambing season.  My best description is that if you say “we’re lambing”, everything is forgiven as everyone knows you are permanently exhausted from staying awake all day and all night.  If you are lucky, you can take it in turns to watch and get a smidgen of sleep occasionally  Some still go to work, some take time off but everyone looks exhausted, dazed and tempers can be frayed. Everything stops for lambing.

On our way, I saw a ewe that had just lambed but now had a prolapsed uterus.  I immediately delved into my handbag, found my phone and rang my neighbour.  Although it was not his ewe, I knew he would’ve sorted it quickly on behalf of the owner.  Everyone helps each other and lambing has priority over everything else. I am so glad we don’t have sheep.


The newborn lambs are delightful, though.  These twins had just arrived, I think, this morning.


So now I am back home and back to resting completely exhausted from my brief excursion.


The horses are fine.  Jo will come over later to check and feed Taktur.


Now we have had some rain, the grass should start growing and we will move them into another field shortly.  At Thordale, we never rotated the fields before and I think it works well. I shall have permanent fences put in to replace the temporary electric ones.  The ground has stood up much better this winter.


And guess who was waiting at the gate?  Well, I was missing from my bed therefore she was missing from “her” bed too!


2 thoughts on “Bare Nekkid!

  1. Trish

    Hi there! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Those views from the waiting room at the clinic are fab – a bit different to the hospital views!

    Ahh little BeAnne, bless her! She probably thought you’d gone off for another week!

  2. John Davies

    I liked your local travelogue photos; especially the one with the old school bus in it! Congratulations on getting the stitches out; hoping everything proceeds well from here on!


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