After a two day awol, Gussie and Dahlia appeared for breakfast.  The reason for their absenteeism was that I had drenched/wormed and multi vitamin’ed them, much to their disgust.

Anyway, food called Gussie and Dahlia, his mother, obviously had to follow.  I noticed she didn’t say no to her breakfast bowl.

Gus-Gus is very keen on his food and is becoming more independent too.  Dahlia is the one following him now.

Feeling rather bad about the fluke/worming saga, I sat down on a cold rock to talk to anyone who wanted to chat.

Gussie came up and Pepper was instantly jealous and jumped onto my knee.

Dahlia left us to it.

I apologised for the shock of it all (worming is never fun) and explained it was for their own good.

Pepper and Gussie have not forgotten their friendship.  Gussie has never been nasty to Pepper, though Dahlia still has her doubts about this ginger non-sheep.  Ted sensibly stays well away.

I am glad we are all friends again. I was surprised for how long the grudge went on for – two whole days, which is long for a sheep (ask Lambie, who is our expert sulker!)

Pepper never sulks. She just makes everyone apologise to her for whatever awful crime she has committed.

Don’t you, Pepper!

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