
Today’s unguent of extreme usefulness is Arnica Cream for Bruises.

And why do we need Arnica Cream, I hear you ask?

Because a certain small Icelandic filly foal and her big sister went adventuring and ended up over a fence in someone else’s field. Oh, the shame.

Early this morning, I heard horsey shouting but when I peered out of the window only saw Efstur trying to play with Haakon and thought it was them. I now realise it was probably Hetja calling to her baby, Sóley.  Later on in the morning, when Daisy and I went to catch them for Mr Headcollar training, we quickly saw Hetja in the field while her two daughters were the other side of the fence. *** sigh  ***

We caught Lilja and tried to find a gate to get them out through but it was no good, we ended up phoning (yes, there is a signal in the hill) OH and asked him to bring his wire cutters.  We were perched on a cliff/small ledge/bank bit of the stream as that was the only bit of fence we could cut in half.  With Daisy holding Hetja, Sóley was quickly lured through.  Lilja was a different problem as she would not go under the top wire so we had to cut that too (curses, such curses) and I dragged her through to the other side.

But Daisy and I were caught in the cross-fire – Daisy’s hand and arm were crushed when Hetja was panicking she would never see her darling daughter(s) again and I got it on my leg when Lilja rushed past having got through the fence.

The ladies all reunited, OH then patched up the fence while we limped home and went to look for the Arnica Cream.  Nothing broken, just bruising.

Bloody horses.  I am keeping goldfish next.  They can’t be such hard work, can they?

And yes, they have been asleep ever since.  Funny that!

And someone was very thirsty too.

(I went out later to take photos and look cross (if relieved) at them!)

7 thoughts on “Arnica

  1. Sam

    One can not give goldfish a proper Nosey Kiss, so you need to stay with the (insert negative adejective) horse. Hope the bruises heal quickly.

  2. Judith Garbutt

    Oh dear! I hope you and Daisy are not too stiff and/or sore tomorrow. These ponies can always find ways of getting into mischief!

  3. diane in northern wis

    Oh dear, so sorry about your bruises…. always a story to tell huh? They’re quite the adventurers I guess. Hope not too often though. Get better you two. Ouch!


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