Animal Crackers

The tables have turned and I’ve decided that, as Lambie refuses to eat in the shed, where he has gone for many months, he can eat in the poultry pen because then he can’t get out and steal everyone else’s food.

This system seems to be working quite well now.  Everyone can eat their breakfast in peace.

And even Lambie is not objecting.

But he has to stay in his pen until everyone has finished and walked away from the food bowl/bucket. Thems are the rules.

Later on, after some very successful flute duets, even if I say so myself, I went back outside to open the field gate, letting the sheep come home for the evening.

They were sitting around waiting.

And, as a treat, I took some animal crackers in my pocketses – possibly everyone’s most favourite food (the sheeps’). A lovely gift from a friend to Lambie et al.

It took me a while to spot the sheep.  Some were very well camouflaged.

Others less so.

And some were just sulking and I have no idea.  I did try to talk to him to find out but Lambie was having none of it.

Giving up, I walked home and everyone followed me.

Biccies for all and Lambie stopped sulking. I think he’s had a row with Barrel.  I sensed an atmosphere.

One thought on “Animal Crackers

  1. Celeste

    Camouflage, hah! Let’s play Spot the Sheep. I can’t tell you how many times I drive by a field and think “sheep!” but they turn out to be big rocks. Silly me, with animals on the brain.


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