Angry Bird

Nowadays, I have to drink everything lying down flat and, this morning, my Santie beaker sprung a leak so OH was instructed, on his travels to Lerwick, to buy me a new one.

He came back with this. I am not sure if it is a subliminal message from the Gods, or just my OH making a subtle statement.  It is fairly descriptive of the way I feel these days.


This afternoon, I fired off an email to the NHS voicing my opinion of the last 5 months.  Actually, it made me see the whole miserable affair for what it is.  I didn’t want the email to be a rant (I’m good at those) so OH is checking it over and turning it into succinct English.


Happy thoughts, I need a happy thought.  Here is one I prepared earlier.


My legs are almost 100% defunct.  I struggle with every day tasks.  On the dog walk, we climbed to the top of the hill, to admire the view – always breathtaking.  Nowadays, I only take all the dogs out for a walk when OH is away from home. The clock ticks with how much “upright time” I have.


The little things continue to fascinate me.

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The dogs pottered along with me and had fun.  When I am in the hill, I don’t go far in case I can’t get back but we probably stay out for an hour so they can enjoy themselves and I can play with  my camera.

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The horses share their silage nicely.  I do love them so much for this. I really could not be doing with a fight every day, injury from arguments and just general bad feeling.  We have none.  They are real friends.


So it started to hail.


A picture of  Bozz-Bozz-butt fur with hail bits in it.  Woof!


These things stop me being an Angry Bird!

4 thoughts on “Angry Bird

  1. Cate

    What a beautiful place is my ancestral home! 🙂 Thank you for sharing what you see. You have an artist’s eye. Love that shot of—is that Fair Isle again? And who can ever get enough of pony bum-fuzz!


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