A Weigh Day

Monika from Sandness Equine Services came over with her horse/pony weighing scales.  No one has been weighed for 13 months and I need to know accurately what everyone weighs if I am going to consider drug treatment for Waffle and Tiddles for Equine Metabolic Syndrome.  This has been diagnosed by the vet from previous blood results.

Pepper offered her help while Monika set up the weighing scales.

I had got everyone in earlier so they would be easy to catch and the put outside afterwards.

And after weighing each pony, Monika was kind enough to feel each horse to see who had ribs or fat pads or not.

There was a remark about a little woolly mammoth when Newt climbed on.

They all behaved well and it was just a case of walking each pony onto the mat, weight recorded, a quick feel for ribs and then outside into the field.

And the results are in…..

This was 13 months ago and, as you can see, everyone has lost some or a lot of weight, so that’s encouraging.

Now to keep it off for the next year.  That is my next challenge.

Huge thanks to Sandness Equine Services.   Waffle and Tiddles will have blood taken again next week (resting insulin) and then the vet can decide on the drug treatment required knowing their accurate weights.

9 thoughts on “A Weigh Day

  1. Beth

    Newt is looking rather well-behaved and pleased with himself on those scales, but perhaps it is just that you are a great photographer!

    Vitamin has lost 15% since the last weigh-in? I take it that is OK for an oldie?

    1. Frances Post author

      It is and it isn’t. She looks really good. No flopping mane or anything. She moves like a demon. She did get laminitis with The Great Escape so I am trying hard not to over think this. She gets four bucket meals a day plus six hours grazing. I can always up the buckets.

  2. darby callahan

    so it would seem like mostly good news. I am not surprised as you take such meticulous care of your charges. wondering how Monster is doing, it is so troubling when a cat won’t eat.

    1. Frances Post author

      Monster had decided he might eat, so we have bought different food, and are trying him on this. Vet appointment postponed to date.


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