A Trip to Town

A trip to town in more filthy weather for a hair appointment, a few messages and lunch – chips looking at this perfect view.

While Floss was finishing up, I wandered around with my camera.

This is the one of the propeller blades salvaged from RMS Oceanic, a transatlantic ocean liner built for the White Star Line.

The Oceanic’s maiden voyage was in 1899 and she was considered the largest ship in the world until 1901.

In 1914 she ran aground and was wrecked off Foula (the island opposite us).

The Oceanic has a close association with RMS Titanic, one of her sister ships, very nearly colliding into her in Southampton.  Bits of the Oceanic were salvaged in 1973.  The story of her history, demise and salvage is fascinating and can be read in a great book called The Other Titanic by Simon Martin

I made friends with this dear little seabird taking shelter from the fierce wind and sporadic rain.  I have now given up trying to second-guess what breed for the blog.  It was a bird, that is enough for me.


As Floss and I were early for the hair appointment, we went for a little drive to see where we could photograph the best waves.

The Mental Health Unit carpark came up trumps.

I parked the car perilously close to the edge (a drop down to a small dogwalking path) and the sea.

It was a tad feisty out and exhilerating trying to take photos.

I strongly recommend researching RMS Oceanic on t’net.  It is a fascinating part of Shetland’s history.

6 thoughts on “A Trip to Town

  1. Susan Felton

    You are a fabulous photographer. I have saved several of yours to my Pinterest page. These are some of the best. I really love #5 Foula. In the distance. Your photos of the unknown bird are also grand. I hope someone can tell you what type it is.

  2. Cathleen Baldwin

    Amazing photos as ever! I think your wee birdie might be a winter plumage Black Guillemot – red legs. Don’t think Titanic reached New York?! Something to do with a big white thing in the sea
    Keep warm & dry!

  3. janet ainsworth

    another remarkable post..you pack so much into your ‘trips here and there’…and the photos as ever are fantastic..risking life and limb! thanks


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