It has been raining and getting steadily colder all day and, while Mum’s garden breathes a huge sigh of relief, we all stayed indoors looking at old family photos, which I found fascinating.
I managed to dig up the family tree that I have been working on for many years which made the photos even more interesting. I could see both my daughters’, Daisy and Flossie, features in many of my relatives.
So these are my parents in 1959 just before their wedding.
Me and my mother. I have an elder sister. She wouldn’t thank me for plastering her baby photos all over t’net!
And lastly “Winston Churchill” as a baby (or probably me).
There has also been a bit more sheeple building today plus some landscaping and possible birds. Even mum has been surprised by my creating abilities and, from her, that is a huge compliment.
beautiful photographs of the garden ..those flowers are so colourful..Family trees are fascinating aren’t’s surprising how the same names pop up all over the place..and yes same family features
Your mother was/is a beauty!!
Thanks for sharing this personal side of your life. (awww, such a poppet you were!) And the lovely last roses of summer, violas, and fuchsias in your mother’s garden, so pretty. As a gardener and self-appointed family historian, I enjoy it all.