A Funny Old Day

It’s been a funny old day. I’m not really sure why.

To start with, Haakon now has me well trained.  He said he could never walk up another hill for his breakfast so if I could just bring him his bucket and so I do.

Don’t ask.  I am a mug, I know, but shouting for him takes too much time and it is a battle of wills. I will admit, he has won.

Also, Monster is not his usual self.  He is not eating very much or very enthusiastically, which is not like him. So he is off to the vet on Wednesday with OH.  His job now.  I have delegated, though I will probably end up going just because.

And my morning was spent going through everything in our porch, chucking away gloves with holes, old hats no one wears and various rubbish that we have accrued throughout the year, stuffed in a drawer and not looked at since.

I also fired off a few emails about two photographs that have been in my family’s possession for a very long time – both of Michael Faraday (my 5 x great uncle – his brother, Robert is my 5 x great grandfather).

The one on the left is 5.8cm x 8.7cm – a photo stuck on a card mount.  It says it was from John Watkins Photo, Parliament.  On the reverse is John Watkins’ printed information and faint pencil writing “Professor Faraday”.

The second one on the right is 5.7cm x 9.1cm mounted on card.  Written on the reverse in pencil is “Copied from daguerreotype by J.H. Roller (? – indecipherable) And in pen in possibly my grandmother’s handwriting – “Michael Faraday”.

Anyway I want to find out more as they are part of my family history.

It will be interesting to see if anyone has historical information.

5 thoughts on “A Funny Old Day

  1. Judy Shznk

    Because I went to a heavily weighted STEM university, I had to take every science known to man. Physics was not my cup of tea, but when quizzed, I admit that the only person I remember is Mr Faraday & his Faraday Cage. This latter has been a point of discussion between my engineer husband & me trying to determine if our screened porches are technically Faraday cages. This has been discussed between us for 40 years with the two of us in stalemate.

    1. Frances Post author

      He’s taken up eating again, got a bit more fussy so we decided to cancel appointment as he doesn’t look ill.


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