A Busy Day

We are exhausted. It’s been a busy morning.

I started by moving the three Ancients into a field across the hill where they could stay well away from the track creation and the electric fence.  There’s lots of grass and shelter in their new field so they were happy to oblige.

Then came the hard work.  There were three of us working – OH, a kind friend and me.  The 120 wooden “stabs” were already in place but needed a plastic post or two in between to support the one strand of electric wire.  OH went all the way round putting 120 plastic insulators in with his drill, which makes life far easier.  By hand, it is a nightmare.  The dogs were about and we told them this was the equivalent of a dog-walk. They were very good and just pootled about while we worked.  The whole fence is 700 metres long all the way round the field.  That’s a long way and a lot of wire.

The battery is now on charge but I am not sure when to move the Minions into their field.

The spring grass is about to come in so I will possibly put them in tomorrow and hopefully we will avoid laminitis.  I am dithering because it’s not really spring, their existing field is doing the job perfectly well and I don’t want to peak too early, run out of grass and have to put hay out for them.  Oh, what to do?

And back with the Ancients – I went over to check their water – they are all fine.

And they’re all looking good considering they don’t wear rugs and are 28, 29 and 30 years old (Iacs, Kolka and Haakon).


It was a good day – we achieved great things and I feel happy that the track is all set and ready to be used. It looks good and I think everyone will sleep well tonight. So much walking round and round the track.

7 thoughts on “A Busy Day

  1. Colleen McNamara

    You might need plastic cap protectors on the top- of the plastic posts. We had a neighbor who used steel posts (yes I know stronger) but a horse reared up and came down and got impaled . Of course it was a taller horse than the minions but you do have taller “olders”. Just saying,… don’t want to be a nervous nellie. You know your herd better than I do.
    Congrats on a project completed.

      1. Judi

        Do they snap because of the cold? I should use them, steel posts cause nasty injuries – they don’t hurt sheep or goats but I don’t much have them around pony paddock. Great job with the water! – nobody knows just how hard work that is until they have to cart it, no easy way. Love your Jimny, we have a great little Suzuki Alto: it does lots of pony stuff work even though I shouldn’t ask it to (but flat ground and usually drought-dry).

        1. Frances Post author

          They snap or bend. They are plastic except for bottom six inch thin spike at bottom. The ponies don’t go near them because of electric.

  2. Colleen McNamara

    Guess I was thinking of the orange plastic protectors that go on top of T posts or rebar.
    I am sure your crew will be safe.


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