Now Iacs and Haakon are back outside again during the daytime, we are not safe in our own house.
Haakon is an old hoof at opening doors. He knows his way around many a front and back door snib.
Before we had fences and a garden, he used to rattle the backdoor handle and stand with a friend asking for the contents of the biscuit tin.
These days, Haakon just goes for the more direct approach.
However, there was a small turf war going on when Haakon accused Iacs of queering his pitch.
It quickly dissipated and the boys soon decided to work together in this case because two enchanting faces are better than one if that biscuit tin is ever going to see the light of day.
I tried to escape the harrassment but was followed.
They all know where I live!
Oh, those two noseys. Irresistably cute.
Your pictures today are wonderful Frances. I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at each one. At first I thought you might be in your shed…but then realized you were in your house. What I’m wondering is….did that biscuit tin ever see the light of day???
Just the smile I needed today. Thanks!
The Lure of The Biscuit Tin by Frances – should be your next movie. Love the “desperate” faces on the gents longing for a sweet.
Such “naughty” boys! (But it’s so good to see Haakon up to his old tricks, eh?) 😉