The Feeding Routine

I am feeling better today – thank you for all your kind thoughts and messages – hugely appreciated.


My day started with the sheep and the hens being fed.  Four bowls for three sheep in their little field – once our vegetable garden.

Once they have their four bowls of food to argue over, Lambie comes running out behind me as I leave and shut them in. He has his own food separately.

That’s because he is Mummy’s precious woolly lamb and he likes to eat in peace and quiet.

On my way back to the feedshed, I meet Wussums who is out and about trying to find unsuspecting wildlife he can bring down.

Lambie, of course, comes racing over to see if there is anything more going begging for a poor thin little sheep.

I swear if he could beg, he probably would!

Here is today’s sunrise.

The horses are fed by Daisy.  We have them all up in a small paddock where she distributes the silage into defunct fish-boxes.  This is an attempt to stop the precious silage being wasted but some (Kappi) are mucky eaters.

First of we thought we would put a couple of fishboxes outwith the paddock so Newt and Albie could eat without being bullied.  *** cough – Haakon – cough ***.  He can be horrid.

But, so far, we haven’t needed to.  The horses are actually on hard-standing.  It is a bit muddy but not nearly as bad as it would get without it.

There are many more piles of silage in boxes than horses/ponies so everyone gets enough.

Then all the horses are chucked out of the paddock and they can wander about in their two fields.

This is the view from my front door.

Not bad, eh?

7 thoughts on “The Feeding Routine

  1. diane in northern wis

    So glad you’re feeling better Frances. Love your beautiful pictures…..what a wonderful place to live. and I have to say that I automatically laugh every time you put up a pic of Lambie. He is just so adorable and is certainly one of my favorites! And I love your kitty, but don’t like what comes naturally to cats. So glad to see that all the horses have enough to eat without pinching from each other. It’s wonderful that you’re so concerned about every single one. I’m glad Daisy and Flossie are around to help you most times. Rest up and get totally well! Hope you don’t get it as cold as we have had it the past two weeks. ugh.

  2. Louise Stopford

    You have got the feeding routine off to a fine art, but I know you must have to as animals like and know their routines. When I first saw your photo of just the three sheep eating, I thought ‘oh no, where’s Lambie?’ That special little boy is getting preferential treatment I see. That view from your back door – WOW – I am green with envy. Glad you are feeling better to and have a good weekend.

  3. Sam

    Ah, Lambie, Muzzah’s Best Boy with the Winning Smile who is “starving”! I think the biscuit free diet is not to his liking. Glad you are on the mend, GI troubles are the worst. Hope that Newt and Albie do not get picked on again.


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