Saturday in Aberdeen

We arrived at Aberdeen first thing on Saturday morning, drove to Fountain Equestrian Centre, Dyce and put the boys in their stables to rest.

Later on, Flossie had her first lesson in the indoor arena with Fi Pugh, the Tølt in Harmony Judge.

Klængur hates anything new and was on edge and so perhaps not his most helpful, but Flossie managed well and did her very best. She has never ridden him outwith Shetland.


Next, it was Daisy and Taktur’s turn.

Taktur was wonderful. He shared his lesson with a mare and, apart from whinnying at himself in the mirrors, he never put a hoof wrong.

(I mean you would whinny at yourself if you were that incredibly handsome, wouldn’t you?)

The rain it did rain and Bjørn (our trainer who came south with us) was teaching outside in the outdoor swimming pool or manège!  It was hard to tell at times.

There is something about Aberdeen and me. Whenever I am there, it rains.

There were less rainy interludes.  They were brief.

First up were Flossie and Klængur.

By now, Klængur had calmed down and was finding his feet.  That helped Floss’ confidence hugely as she was beginning to think she was in for a rough ride all weekend.

Next it was Daisy and Taktur’s turn.

They sploshed around the manège.

There was even an audience of admirers but Taktur did not even acknowledge their existence.  Work is work.  Fans are for later.

(I think they all thought he was a bit gorgeous)

And they would be right.

Taktur was wonderful.

So, that was our first day.

6 thoughts on “Saturday in Aberdeen

  1. Sam

    Handsome is as handsome does. But of course all of Aberdeen must in awe of the stunningly handsome Takur! Glad both horses and gals got some practice time in. Hoping for pretty ribbons.

  2. Darby

    I am always so impressed by the amount of work and dedication you and your girls put into your horses. whoever said that riding was easy as the horse does all the work clearly was not a rider. best of luck!

  3. diane in northern wisconsin

    Wow ….beautiful pictures. Thanks so much. I can’t wait to see what comes next. The horses and girls look marvelous!!!


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