Roll Call

Flossie and I made our way over to see the Minions.  En route I saw, and therefore had to stop and photograph, a tiny sailing boat just passing Foula.

We were duly meeted and greeted by all the Minions.

So, here is the Minion Roll Call.

We’ll go by size, I think.

Smallest first, obviously!







Plus the old ladies


And, lastly, Vitamin

Lilja was around but she is just a temporary “Minion”.

We spent a peaceful morning with Silver picking on Flossie’s coat – all zips must be destroyed.

Here at Thordale we have certain standards and we think it is important to colour co-ordinate ponies grazing.  An absolute fashion must-have.

Little Newt and Flossie were having Peace Talks after the great Hoof-Trimming War of last week.

Storm and Silver had a little play or annoy.  Storm seems to have chunked out.  He is a solid little gentleman.

I can see a diet coming up in his future.

Lots of diets going on at the moment.

Sorry chaps!

5 thoughts on “Roll Call

  1. Linda

    Wonderful “Family” Album photos, Frances! And that first picture of the teeny, tiny sailboat is just beautiful.

    P.S. Is it just me, or does Tiddles always look like the comedian of the herd?

    1. Frances Post author

      Tiddles is barely talking to folk. He tends to keep himself to himself. I need some “special” time with him to discuss the finer points of his life.

  2. Magaret Robinson

    So………….if the sailboat were closer would it be in actuality that small? It looks positively miniature out there!

    Everyone looks happy and fit (though yes, Storm is gathering his weight ’round him quite well).

    Take care – MMR


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