Rest in Peace Wussums

I don’t know what to say.  I am numb.

Wu died last night at the vets.

We had noticed over the weekend that he had lost weight and was not himself. He went to the vet yesterday, had a splenectomy (they found a enlarged spleen and liver ? cancer ? on x-ray).  He died post-op.

Rest in Peace Wussums.  You were loved and there is a gaping hole in our lives now.

I miss him and don’t see him anymore where he should be.

Life seems very unfair and death even more so.

He was only 11 years old.

46 thoughts on “Rest in Peace Wussums

  1. louise whyte

    i am so sad that the wonderful Wussums has left us, I lost KitKat 2 years ago on my birthday, she used to sleep in bed between the pillows, I still expect to see her there.

    Poor boy but he did have a wonderful life.

  2. Rebecca Final

    How very very sad Frances. I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a darling cat and you wrote such cute stories about him. Cats are so difficult….they don’t let you know they are very ill until it’s almost too late and then they don’t always make it easy to treat them. I know he will be missed.

  3. Patricia Shaffner

    So sorry for your loss. Wussums will be missed by all – even those of us thousands of miles away that never had the honor of meeting him.

  4. Jane R

    Oh Frances, he was a magnifiCat. My heart breaks for you again, another of your lovely family will be very missed. So sorry x

  5. Jan Knight

    Poor you, you must be devastated, I also had a soft spot for Wu. Losing two of your family in a few days is awful. Take care Frances, we are thinking of you.

  6. John Davies

    I miss the family cat even if he isn’t dead, he’s living on the east coast now with my younger son! Leeo is a tuxedo cat just like yours and even when he was misbehaved I still liked having him around!

  7. Sam

    Not Wu! The Maine Coons and I send our deepest sympathies on this wretched news. Cats are notorious for hiding illnesses. Wussums was the gate keeper of your house hold and will be deeply missed on this side of the pond. So very, very sorry for the whole family.

  8. Carol E

    Oh, Frances (and Daisy, Floss, and OH), I’m sooo sorry. What an awful January. I was honored to meet Wu and am very sad that your house will have a gaping cat-shaped hole. Lokey and Her Maj must be confused by the emptiness. Many hugs.

  9. Katie

    Oh my. I have not even met the kitty, but am so sad. The hole our house kitties leave in our hearts is always large. Sending hugs from across the pond.

  10. Anne Barron

    We will all miss him Frances. The thoughts of Chairman Wu have enlightened us all. You’ll be heartbroken. We’ve all been through it and there’s nothing more to say. He was special, even though I only knew him through Facebook

  11. May

    So very sorry. This is so sad. Frances, you take such good care of your entire family. Please allow yourself time to take care of yourself as well. This must be a most difficult winter.

    Sending a hug from America.

  12. chris McGinlay

    Frances I’m sorry to hear about Wussums. We had our Pie put to sleep to day too, we think it was probably cancer as he also went downhill very quickly. Life can be quite shitty sometimes can’t it?

  13. Michelle W

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby. We lost our tuxedo cat a few days after we returned from vacation two weeks ago, she was 16. It’s really difficult to lose a family member. RIP Wu…

  14. Susan O'Neill

    RIP Wussums, you were such a personality, will miss hearing about your adventures. Hugs to you and all your family, what a horrible month you are having. xxxx

  15. Cathy

    So sorry, what a horrible start to the year for you all. He was such a magnificent character and you have posted such wonderful photos of him. I can hardly believe it and you must all feel numb to have lost him. RIP special boy.

  16. Elva

    Very, very sorry to hear this. To be honest, I was so afraid that this might have something to do with a certain dog you have, and I am very relieved to know that he is innocent. However, it is a tremendous blow to your family, and I feel terrible for you.

  17. Terri

    Oh no, not Wu too! He was my secret favorite. My Boston family had to have their Maine Coon cat put down on January 1 after a struggle with lymphoma. Even the baby misses him and points to where he used to sleep, wondering where he is. Although the smallest of your 4-legged family, Wu will likely leave one of the biggest holes. So very sorry and sad for you all. RIP beautiful Wussums!

  18. Darby

    Oh no, not Wussums. I am so very sorry. such a sad time for you and your family. I hope there are happier time ahead. hugs!

  19. diane in northern wis

    Dearest Frances, what terrible times are happening for you and your family lately. I am so so sad to hear about your beautiful kitty. Know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers as you make your way through these difficult events. Things WILL get better. Even though the pain of loss takes so long to subside. I understand what you’re feeling and I’m so sorry.

  20. Louise Stopford

    What can I say that hasn’t already been said??!! So very sorry about Wu. Similar thing happened to our cat. She lost weight, was treated at the vets but deteriorated (tumour). She was only 11 to. We still miss her, we always will. It is a hurt like no other.

  21. colleen

    So sorry to hear about Wu. Black and white cats are intelligent, and special characters. I know because I have three Tuxedo cats and they constantly remind me of how I am blessed by their presence. He has crossed over the rainbow bridge and I am sure is chasing little furry creatures and reconnecting with Delia. Life isn’t fair. Give all your critters an extra hug today. Also be sure that all of you take care of yourselves too. Stress has a way of sneaking up on you.

  22. Elizabeth O'Connor

    Oh no, i am so very sorry to hear this bad news, such a shock for ye , I am very sorry for the loss of Wu, and so soon after Delia. Take extra special care of yourselves and each other as ye go though this very sad time.
    Hugs from Liz, who cannot see straight for the tears in her eyes…

  23. Vivienne

    It is just sore…and will be…..just try to remember that yourself, Wu and Delia were lucky to have been in the same family and that they knew love.


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