Weather Truly Horrible

The weather has been beyond horrible today.  I have no words because I have no dry clothes, and have been battered, with bits of feed-shed door frame falling on my head.  Everything revved up after breakfast so at least we managed to get sheep, ponies and horses fed and out, for a little bit.

I asked the sheep if they wanted to go out into a field and they did for an hour or so.  As the weather was deteriorating, I opened the gate and they all rushed back into their shed, where I had put out some haynets.

I was feeling very frazzled by now.  Battling with the elements takes it out of you.

So I found a dry feed-sack, put it on the bedding and sat down to gather my thoughts and get my breath back.

Little Maggie was very keen for me to talk to her so, as it was non-optional, we had a long chat.

Lambie, of course, refused to acknowledge my presence.

Lucky I have Maggie then.  She refused to leave my side.

And Madge almost, so very almost came to say hello.  But she didn’t because that would’ve been a step too far in her book.

4 thoughts on “Weather Truly Horrible

  1. Sam

    Sorry you have wretched weather today. But I never thought you’d get all the Sheeple in the same space at the same time. And Coffee Klatch with Maggie sounds delightful.

  2. Deb

    We’ve been praying to all and any gods for you. The news says your little place on earth is being battered

    Sending love

  3. Jacqueline

    What horrible weather gods you have in Shetland. I’m so glad your animals have you to provide warm shelter rather than living wild on the hills. Hope you are pouring extra gin into your glass for handling such muddy yucky conditions.

  4. Judy shank

    Your weather must be like hurricanes coming through. I am so sorry.

    I hope Gussie & his mom are doing well. I can’t imagine being so conditioned to be able to get through such gales.

    I do hope that sunshine comes immediately after the storms.


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