Waitress Service

My morning started with a superb rainbow over the big shed.  I shall obviously be looking at both ends for the pots of gold, though I fear that I am hardly going to find much in the feed shed.

And Lambie’s field is not really a likely place, either.

Anyway, clutching my three buckets, I went to feed the Icelandic horses.  Everyone has their own spot and Kolka eats around the corner.  But she quickly appeared having wolfed down her breakfast on a mission to steal Iacs’ food.  I said she couldn’t.  She said she could and we went on like that.

I don’t like thieves (or liars for that matter) and luckily Kolka was content to talk to me rather than pursue her ambition.

I also wanted to protect Haakon who had arrived late to his bucket and had some catching up to do.  Luckily, he had the small hoover attachment with him who “helped”.

Meanwhile Kolka worked her charm.  She does enjoy a chat.

Kolka is quite the character and rarely any trouble. However, I keep away from her back end and tell her when I am walking round her, praying to the Gods she doesn’t kick – she has form and it isn’t pretty.  But as long as she knows where I am and where I am going she is ok with me.

I think by now we’ve reached an understanding and she is not stupid.

Little Fivla was enjoying the almost-spring sunshine.

The old ladies like being around the house and try and mug me when I’m outside for extra buckets of food because basically I offer a waitress service 24/7 apparently.


3 thoughts on “Waitress Service

  1. Celeste Nossiter

    And a double rainbow at that! I’d say you are already rich, in furry love and living in such a beautiful spot on Earth.

  2. Jacqueline

    I just love the noses in your photos. A while ago, I enlarged black and white photos of just my grandchildren’s eyes and put them in frames making folk guess who was who.
    It would be interesting to see if we could guess whose nosey is whose if you did the same!


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