Vitamin – or Vitamoobag as she is known around here – is 31 years old.
I spend most of my waking hours worrying about her – is she too thin? is she eating properly? is she ok? why is she so hungry? Her teeth are not great and I swoosh out her mouth daily so nothing gets stuck (and she is very good about this procedure).
(photo taken from my car)
Vitamin is still a stunning mare, with so much expression which basically says “feed me, now”. She is obssessed with food of the large bucket variety so I worry that she is not really managing to eat any grass because there is little evidence of poos around the house during the day. She would knock me down for a bucket in a determined fashion if she had to. Fivla is a bit more restrained. I can feel ribs on Vitamin. Less so on Fivla. *** sigh *** I told you am neurotic.
This is the pair of them waiting for me to let them back into the big shed for their tea at 3.30 p.m. sharp, “and what sort of time do you call this?”
Monika from Sandness Equine Services is coming round to weigh everyone soon so that will give me a good indication of whether I am keeping the weight on Vitamin and Fivla, while trying to get the others to lose the kilos. These days I am so neurotic about everything, I am not really thinking straight anymore.
Happy birthday to Vitamin! She looks healthy to me. As long as she is happy I think she will be OK.
The thing is they all have to live forever. That’s the deal.
Happy Birthday to Miss Vitamin. Having elder critters is hard and frustrating work. Especially if they won’t tell you what they need. But she and Fivla are lovely ladies.
My world too with my pets. They do have to live forever.
She is the Grand Dame of Shetland Ponies, and is clearly cared for in the best possible fashion!
You are right, Vitamin is a stunning old lady.