Tiddles Night Out

Last night, Tiddles refused to be caught and said he wanted to stay outside with his pals.

So, I consulted the weather runes to find it was going to be a calm and relatively warm night.  I said ok, he could stay outside, thinking it would be good for him to start to reacclimatize anyway.

Of course, I didn’t sleep a wink worrying that Tiddles was now colicking and probably dead because he had been outside for a whole night.  But this is what I found in the morning – one miserable Tiddles who rather regretted his choice.

Newt tried to brighten his spirits by being very annoying and bitey.

But I could tell that Tiddles was fed up.  He had probably been hassled all night by Newt and, crime of crimes, had to share his own private haynet which he is not used to.  He remembered that he likes his little stall and home comforts.

Albie told tales on everyone and I believed him.

So, this afternoon, I opened the gate, and Tiddles without being asked trotted, yes trotted, into the big shed and straight into his bedroom, no questions, no arguments. I could almost hear him say “home, sweet home” as he tucked into his bucket and then onto his own private haynet that he didn’t have to share with anyone, ever.

4 thoughts on “Tiddles Night Out

  1. Alexa Berenbak

    Hugs to sweet but silly Tiddles. He and your tale of his adventures put a big smile on my face today. TY so much for sharing all the 4-legged stories with us. Have a good day!

  2. Judith

    Very funny! It reminds me of when our children were small, but getting to the bolshy stage. They refused to go to bed, so after a while my husband and I just went upstairs.
    About five minutes later we heard them coming upstairs voluntarily and putting themselves to bed.

  3. Colleen

    Bet if he had some ruby slippers he would have clicked his hooves and said “there is no place like home”.
    Stay safe furred, feathered and hoomans. give Monster a scratch from his SW USA cousin.


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