The Trudge of My Sledge

After breakfast (none for me, I needed to get on), I drove off to Lerwick to finish all my Christmas shopping.

It was a dreich day but no wind, for a change.  It’s the little things.

I had a list and a limited amount of time to do everything in as daylight is very precious these days – we get 5 1/2 hours to be precise and I like to home before dark so I can get do the ponies in daylight.

And eight days before Christmas, the Street was empty.  Most strange and very sad.  I was shocked. Maybe it is busier at weekends, I told myself.

I wished the Christmas light were switched on.  It would’ve cheered up a grey day and there was not a carol to be heard either.  If I wasn’t feeling particularly Christmassy before, then I certainly wasn’t going to find it here.

Still, the shop windows were very good and innovative.

These felted mince pies were very clever.  I smiled when I saw them.

So that’s me on the shopping front.  No more.  If we don’t have it, we don’t need it – that’s my theory.  I’m done.

8 thoughts on “The Trudge of My Sledge

  1. Beth

    Gosh, what a shock to see the streets so empty – was it the rain do you think, or perhaps folk will be out towards the end of this week getting set before the weekend?

  2. Sam

    I think a far number of us are feeling the same way. Christmas Cheer is far away. Luck would have it, I have a sister who kicked me into gear to finish cross stitching 2 stockings (#70, 71 over 35+ yrs). The last one was a mash up of 6 different patterns, which Sister has a good artist’s eye for balance. Now we only have cookies to make.

  3. Judith

    Talking of shopping … I’ve received your email with the postage prices for sending the felt sheep, Frances, but I can’t remember the prices for the sheep and lambs. I’ve ordered a spotty sheep and a spotty lamb. Please let me know so I can pay you. Thanks.


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