The “Scent Bottle”

We are not on mains drains and, every couple of years, a “scent bottle” (Mum’s name for it, not mine – she was similarly afflicted where she lived) comes to empty our septic tank.

And today was the day.

I did warn the accompanying gentlemen that there might be some “help” as they would have to cross the ponies’ track to get to the tank.


But I was assured that pony involvement would be fine.

Funnily enough, I was not convinced.

So while the men were busy emptying the tank (not much in as it is mysteriously very efficient), I dished out the last of the Turriefield mishapen carrots to distract any potential assistants.


Sadly, I didn’t have enough carrots for the time it took and, when Vitamin determinedly started walking down to tell them they were doing it wrong,  …….

…… I headed her off at the pass.

No one needs help from anyone, I told them.

So the ponies all went back to the task of eating their hay while the scent bottle escaped safely and unscathed.  Phew!

4 thoughts on “The “Scent Bottle”

  1. Colleen McNamara

    Love your moms name. Around here and in North Carolina it is called the “honey wagon”.
    I am so glad your containers are working out for everyone, equineie and peeples too.
    Take care.

  2. CeePluse

    Funny, when I read about carrots for the “potential assistants” I initially misread it as “potential assailants” – pretty interchangeable in this instance, I suspect! And you remind me that I need to have the scent bottle guy come out to clean the filter in our septic tank, Said filter is a requirement in our city and I could clean it myself according to this fellow, but ewww, no thank you!

  3. NancyMac

    Here in Ontario (Canada) we call this vehicle the ‘honey wagon’ …totally misnamed I know and it certainly gave us fits of giggles when we were young and living in the country where we also had a septic tank that needed emptying.


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