This is the “rainy day” field that I save for when things are tough and we need a bit more grass.
I opened the gate yesterday and the old folk moved in like whippets and now they are almost deliberately goading the Minions about it. Poor, poor half-starved Minions.
The horses eat at them, while the miserable orphans stand by the fence like the cast of “Oliver” looking on.
I tell myself this is for the best. I remind myself of the many, many months that Albie, Tiddles, Storm and Waffle had to live inside and I don’t want it to happen again.
On the plus side, Haakon, Iacs, Klaengur and Kolka are very happy with this new location.
And I wormed everyone today with total success – ie nothing was spat out, I didn’t go home clarted in the stuff, and everyone was very nice about it. I didn’t even need a headcollar. Just grabbed a handful of chinhairs and squirted the required dose down.
Hard for the Minions to see the Big Boys/Gal have what they think as ‘their’ field. Oh well, Muzzah knows best.
She tries.