I got so bored of the sheep stealing the hen/duck food so I came up with a solution and sort-of invented this – a sheep hurdle pen for everyone to eat in safety!
And, best of all, it works!
Everyone of the poultry-type can easily come and go (although for Mr Duckie it is a bit of a struggle but he manages).
And Harrel-the Barrel and all his ovine friends can’t steal the food!
Huzzah! (I must admit to feeling very smug seeing Harrel’s put-upon little face).
He is always hopeful I will offer him something.
As is ‘Bert and Penthesilea – she refuses to get the plot and wants her own private bowl.
They had a small discussion about the meanness of Muzzah which was kind of sweet.
Meanwhile ‘Ster and Lambie remain too cool to want chicken food.
Though Lambie does secretly love it!
The only “meanness” is the cost to your wallet with Sheeple guzzling duck food.
Now Bert is merely looking for a private place to dine with his Penthesila, so they can continue to woo each other. Everyone else can stay away.