The Glorious Twelfth

When I was a child, I always thought “The Glorious Twelfth” was referring to my birthday.  It seemed obvious to me.

Apparently I was wrong, but I shall gloss over that because, for me and another friend, it is our birthdays and nothing to do with shooting little red grouse for fun (ugh – they can only be barely a mouthful on a fork).

So today, I celebrated another birthday with friends and family in their various forms via internet or real life.

Here is this year’s wonderful card from Daisy.

Presents included four feed boxes and a very long hose that winds up and they came gift wrapped too!  I laughed at my suprise when I opened the shed door.

These feed boxes will be perfect for when everyone has to come inside on those vile winter days – it means everyone can have their haynets safely eating from the floor.  No more lugging from one field to the stable.  They are heavy.

Along with a superb bottle of gin, tonic, even a fresh lemon and some cake, I am now set for another year!

So, Happy Birthday to me (and my friend, Alice) xx

17 thoughts on “The Glorious Twelfth

  1. Judith

    Have a lovely birthday, Frances! What genuinely thoughtful presents. I wonder how on earth they smuggled in that lot! xx

  2. Colleen McNamara

    Have a great day. Look for a box from SW valley USA. but probably snail mail speed, because the sender is a bit challenged these days. (Mailed on August 3rd). New postal people; my two knowledgeable folks retired so hope your box arrives. Enjoy your special day. Love the hay boxes and hose. Someone knows just what you need.
    In my past I have been gifted a chain saw ( for our first anniversary!) , a post hold digger attachment for the tractor for 10 anniversary, birthday bags of rocks to fill in the ankle breaker holes that the ducks and geese insist on digging out the gravel and filling their pools !! You get the idea
    sending warmest wishes.

  3. Judith Garbutt

    Very Happy Birthday, Frances! I hope you had lovely cuddles from your animals and that you’re having a restful evening. xx

  4. Darby Callahan

    Happy Birthday! you got the best presents and are surrounded by the best people, even if some of them have four legs. enjoy every minute!

  5. Kerry Butler

    Happy happy birthday Frances! What a great card from Daisy! Sounds like you had all the ingredients for a perfect birthday!


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