The time has come.
When we introduced Efstur to carrots.
He wasn’t sure and spat the first one out.
But luckily he had some advice from an old “addict”.
The carrot crunching is loud and Hjalti appeared out of nowhere to assist in the corruption and/or education. It all depends on your perception of the evils of carrots.
And so it begins.
Once the bag of carrots was finished, then other rewards were on offer. Lots of scratches and kisses (Note the beards. The boys have great winter beards!)
Hjalti has taught Efstur so much. They are the best of friends and it is lovely to see. Just what we wanted.
Efstur is growing his long shaggy winter coat now. He is growing all the time.
He is a very affectionate little chap and learning his manners.
This herd environment is perfect for him.
But he is also still a baby.
Brá is a very good mother. She loves her son but she wants him to have his independence. Of course, should anything happen that she disapproves of, she wades in, but mostly she leaves him to his own devices, letting him come back to her when he wants. The perfect mother.
Little Hjalti is now becoming Big Hjalti.
Hetja is happy to have him with her and they still have a strong mother-son bond.
He is very useful too.
So, this winter we will work with Efstur and Hjalti. We still have Headcollar Wars to win (just for the vet to put in his microchip). I am hoping his new love of carrots may help.
When in doubt, bribe!
Tis always the answer!
How I enjoyed these photos. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Efstur! Wow, he sure has grown! I didn’t even recognize him!
I just love, love, love his little moon on his face! Cuuuuuuuuuuute!
He is becoming such a handsome guy!
We were saying the same, a lovely perfect sickle moon!
Bribes, inducements, treats – call them what you will. If it helps to teach, use it! Love how grown up Efstur is now.