We have had some wonderful weather recently – very un-Shetland-like for October so I have tried to make the most of it.
I spend time sitting with my Boyzenberries.
Life is good and I am happy.
You have no idea how wonderful it is now I have my little Monkey home. I know, I know he is just a Shetland hill sheep so means nothing to many but to me he is my little moorit boy who went a-wandering. I just pray he doesn’t leave again. I spend much time telling him this as well as feeding him carrots. He loves carrots.
Anywho, today, we thought we would do something different with Fivla.
She needs a change from just wandering/trotting aimlessly round and round the indoor school or up the road and down again. Life is dull if you are a Fivla trying to lose weight.
So today we put on her basket saddle. It is an original antique wicker basket saddle with original upholstery that I bought many years ago off Ebay. At the time, it was pure folly. Now it has its uses. Huzzzah! (to that feeling of buying something just for the sake of it knowing or hoping that one day it might come in useful).
From an early age BeAnne has sat in her basket saddle.
She loves it.
Never asks to leave.
She happily watches the world go past at a very reasonable speed.
To Watsness and back again is the route – around 1.5 miles.
The scenery was nice (and tampered with in Photoshop to look very dramatic, just because I can).
But in a basket saddle on a Shetland pony, is possibly the best way to see Shetland!
At least BeAnne thinks so.
And yes, we did get some odd looks from passers by!
‘Bert looks as though he is starting to fill out and he looks so happy
Bert looks so much better already. I do hope he stays with you now, it’s lovely to think that they stay with you because they want to, not because they are penned in. He looks more settled too.
BeAnne looks wonderful. Why does she remind me of Queen Victoria? I am so relieved to see her taking an interest in life, and getting out and about again.
I can’t believe it was warm enough for you to sit out there without a jacket! It’s been cold, wet and windy today in north-east England. Fivla ‘s definitely looking thinner, Frances. BeAnne looks rather pleased with herself – so sweet!
What wonderful photos – from your beautiful hug with your “Moorit boy” to Princess BeAnn atop her pony-throne, to the dramatic scenery (I don’t care if it’s tinkered with, that’s my kind of weather). Thank you
Bert looks very contented. BeAnne does look quite regal in her basket – very fitting as she is princess after all. I’d quite like a Fivla type pony to transport my shopping from Tesco.
Oh, I hope Bert stays with you as well! The boys look much happier as a threesome!
I LOVE the music you put with the video, it is hilarious and perfect!!
It makes me want to get up and take a walk!!
BeAnne has a lovely life, doesn’t she? =)
If I come back as a dog or sheep or pony, I want to live on your farm!
Love this!
Love that Bert is still at home. And filling out nicely. But Queen BeAnne on her jaunt to survey the lands made my day!
Because I follow your blog, all of this seems like the most natural thing to happen on Shetland; why would passersby give you odd looks?