Englandshire is full. Absolutely full. So many people, so many cars but so little space.
We went out this morning. I drove Mum’s car and all I could think was thank God I learned to drive (over 30+ years ago) in central London because I doubt I would have the nerve, to be honest. But drive I did, which is always a bit of a worry for me and all my London driving skills came back. My father always said I drove like a London black cab, which I took as a compliment at the time, though I don’t think he meant it like that.
So Mum and I did our messages and I drove home with a huge sigh of relief. We have spent the rest of the morning sitting in grateful peace in the garden enjoying the sheer beauty of it all.
In the afternoon, I showed Mum how I make my needle-felted sheep out of Shetland wool. Yes, I had stuffed my suitcase with six bags of wool, my selection of needles and sponge pads. Mum is a sculptor and wants to have a shot at making needle felted Shetland ponies. So she watched me make a sheep and I tried to explain the technicalities of the whole process.
I am looking forward to seeing what will be created tomorrow. At least it won’t be a sheep, which I will go on making this week so I have some stock to take to the shop when I return.
Hello, Teddy. Are you going to help needle felt some ponies?
Is that Silver?
I checked the Fahrenheit temps for both London and Lerwick.
I would take London over what we have been experiencing for the past 6 weeks.
Today is another extreme heat /humidity day for the south eastern U.S.
Pass the lemonade!