Have you been wondering about Taktur and how he is getting on?
Well, he has been ridden and trained regularly since the beginning of this year.
Canter – he finds it very difficult to keep his balance in the school – he is 100 times better outside. Much more elevation.
And then we put a stang (Stangir) or Icelandic curb bit on for the first time (as well as weighted front boots, which he is used to). This is a training aid and will not worn regularly.
Slow Tölt
Tölt (the other way round)
And Rest and stretch with long reins coz Taktur has worked very hard and been wonderful.
I love this superb horse. He is awesome – the very definition of that over-used word.
Love the update on this beautiful stallion — and Bjorn looks good too! ;)) (wish I could ride like him)
very impressive Frances. thanks so much for sharing this beautiful horse!
Taktur is SO handsome!
Taktur and Bjorn look well together. What is the end result of all this training?
LOVE Taktur’s flying mane!