Sunrise Shetland

Storm is now happily placed himself in the routine of a breakfast bucket.  He gets a handful of chaff, a mention of soaked beet and pink powder – a probiotic for a healthy gut.  I think he looks pretty much back to normal now. Well, Storm’s “normal” and no one really knows what that is.

Vultures were busy circling poor Fivla who was doing her best not to take her head out of the bucket.  One sign of weakness, and Newt would be in.  Fivla knows this and doesn’t even come up for air.

Pepper was on hoovering duty. I love how the ponies don’t mind her at all and she is totally relaxed amongst them too. I don’t think any other dog has ever managed this.

We had a good sunrise this morning too, which makes up the recent heinous weather.

Once I’ve fed everyone, I usually stand outside the feed shed and watch the sun rise and how the light changes.  It is special.

And this is the view of Foula on my way home from packing vegetables at Turriefield.  I had missed the sunset, but even so it was all very dramatic. Shetland is a beautiful place.

6 thoughts on “Sunrise Shetland

  1. Mary Colleen McNamara

    so glad to hear that Storm is “on the mend” keeping fingers crossed.
    We have a winter storm blowing in. The ducks and geese are hunkered down on their feets.
    They insist on jumping into the pools and stock tank after we break the 1/2 inch ice. Then wonder why their feets are cold.
    Our feral cat (of 5 yrs) has shown up and come inside a glassed in room that used to house a hot tub. Now it has tomato plants. I am working on him joining the indoor fold. Of course is his an unaltered male so will have to undergo some “fixing” and defleaing and get his shots before he is a family member. He lost an eye this summer to another cat or a racoon so it is time for him to be less feral.
    Enough of my rambling. Happy thanksgiving to you all (yes I know it is our holiday) but it is good to give thanks for all our blessings and you are a blessing in my life.

    1. Frances Post author

      Aww, thank you.

      Ducks – don’t talk to me of ducks. They are so silly. They just don’t think. OH moved the duck-feeding pen to be out of the wind and the whole lot to a duck and hen, stood in the old place in a howling gale asking for food. Oh, no, they couldn’t go round because they have never been fed there. They would rather freeze, blow away and starve then actually think.

      Good luck with the cat. You are kind. I hope he doesn’t dig up the tomato plants.

      Enjoy your THanksgiving. Love to all xx

  2. Kris

    I would like to reiterate the sentiment expressed by Mary above.

    While thinking today of all that I have to be thankful for, you came high up on the list. I can imagine there are many days when you are tired and things are building up, that you feel posting to this blog is a chore. Yet you somehow manage to do so anyway. You can’t know how much we all appreciate this respite in our lives. But we do understand the strain of obligation that you must feel and don’t want to make your life any more stressful by forcing you to post when you just don’t feel like it. On days when things seem overwhelming, take a break. We will not desert you.

    A whole-hearted THANK YOU for all you have given to us.

    1. Frances Post author

      a huge thank you to you for all your support. I am truly thankful for that. You are part of my family, furry or otherwise!


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